Monday, February 21, 2011

We Need a New Name... Suggestions? Votes? Help?

We interrupt our Frivolous-less February program, to bring to you this important message...

For the past month or so, Allison and I have been discussing some options for a name change to our little blog.  We're apparently not very good at coming up with names, so maybe you can help.

Here are the details: We decided our blog needed a change of name due to the fact that our 6 Item Challenge is over, so our name now has nothing to do with our blog plus it's not even that cute.  Eventually, we want to start an etsy shop too (of course I've been talking about that for years!), and we thought that whatever we named our blog could also be our etsy shop name.

So here's what we've got, but we're not sold on any of them:

1) Not Pink, But Purple (This little phrase has stuck with us from a family game of Taboo, in which the word was purple, and the clue-giver simply said, "Not pink, but...."  The other team could not believe how quickly we all guessed purple!)

2) A&A Partay (We've even got a plan for how this could be written.  pArtAy - something like that w/an ampersand over the "rt".)

3) Purple Sunshine (Random.  Yes.  But kind of fun, right?) or maybe A Little Purple Sunshine

4) Al & Aim (Cuz that's who we are. Plain, but true.)

Here's where you step in.  Do you like ANY of those names?  Which one is best?  Or are they all terrible?  Do you have any other suggestions?


  1. Oooo... Yeah maybe something like that... AIM high ALLIE? Or maybe your's was better!

  2. I definetely love Al & Aim!!! I found your blog on Bloggy Bff's so glad i did!!! follow me at
