Sunday, February 13, 2011

Clean Out the Closet Challenge Update: Week 2

So far this challenge is living up to its name - I am definitely getting the closet cleaned out. I have a big bag and a skinny basket full of stuff that has to go! I am trying to get rid of stuff as I go, so I won't have to do it all at the end of the month. It's kind of funny, though, because Aimee came over and started looking through my reject clothing bags. As she looked, she asked me what was wrong with each item so she could decide if she wanted it or not. If it was awful, I told her, but if it was kind of cute I would try to convince her to take it. In the process, I convinced myself that I should keep a scarf that had been in the bag. Oops!

And here's a little peek into this past week's outfits...Some cute, some kinda sloppy (it's been SUPER cold, don't blame me too much!) And yes, I have been wearing my jeans more than once...

1 comment:

  1. I love the first's really cute!
