Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Denim Dilemma

Confession: I secretly want my 6 item challenge back. The challenge of wearing each article of clothing just once is much harder than having only 6 to choose from! I am trying to ration some things so that I will have them to wear later, and trying to wear others so that I will be sure to keep them at the end of the month.

Example: Jeans. With the 6 item challenge, I knew had a pair. It was always the same pair, but at least I could wear them whenever I wanted! I haven't even been doing this challenge for a week, and already jeans are becoming a big problem! We had two snow days this week, so one of the days I wore jeans. Poof! Into the forbidden laundry basket they went. Then it was Friday, a typical jeans day, and since it's sooo cold, I really didn't want to put on tights and a skirt. So, jeans again. Ahhh, another pair gone! Now it's Saturday and I can't decide if I want to waste another pair. See what I mean about the problems?!

Perhaps the rules on denim will have to change (and soon)!


  1. I could never do it. I live in my jeans!

  2. I already confessed jeans are being re-worn for me! You're welcome to join me.

    P.S. I miss my 6 items too. :)

  3. Hey, Wanted to make sure you saw my answer re: the giant pink shoe so I stalked my way over here!! Anyway, it was at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, they had two giant shoes, but I only climbed into one of them because I am all about self-restraint ;) Cool blog BTW!!
