Monday, February 7, 2011

Clean Out the Closet Challenge Update: Week 1

Here's the Good, the Bad, and the Changes for February's challenge so far...

The Good:
  1. I have already found a few items of clothing to donate. Two pairs of pants and a sweatshirt have gone into the pile.
  2. I am enjoying wearing all of the clothes I couldn't wear last month!
The Bad:
  1. You already know that the jeans situation has been a problem.
  2. I am spending too much time trying to decide what to wear everyday!
The Changes:
  1. Jeans can be worn more than once. (Hopefully this will be the only change to the rules!)
And just so you can be sure I am not cheating by wearing items of clothing more than once, here is a peek at my outfits from the 1st week...

(The gray sweaters in the last 2 pictures are different, I promise! If you look closely at the sweater on the left, you can see the little white dragonfly on the shoulder!)

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