Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Snapshot

I just discovered Yellow Songbird's fun little link up party: Saturday Snapshots.  So I'm linking up and sharing with you this picture:

Today is a little blustery.  I'm wishing that I was still in Florida wearing those sunglasses!

Sunglasses are one of my favorite accessories, which is why I've developed a collection of sorts. I used to keep a cup full of them in my car and whenever I drove youth group girls anywhere I'd make them all wear a pair. The collection has dwindled since then, but I still love a good pair of funky sunglasses.  The ones in the picture are a recent find at a flea market in Florida.


  1. such a pretty picture!! :) thanks for linking up!

  2. Hi, can I get one of those pairs of sunglasses?
    I <3 FL and sunglasses!
    {stopping by from the party!}
