Thursday, March 24, 2011

Job or No Job?

Here's what I looked like for most of the day today...

This morning I thought I had been cut. I was already mentally planning what I could do next.

By lunch time some of my friends had already gotten their pink slips, and I was just waiting to get mine.

Then toward the end of the day I found out that my bilingual certification (which I haven't been using for the past 5 years) saved me. So the good news is, I get to keep my job. The bad news is, I might be stuck in a bilingual classroom next year.

Yikes! Better brush up on my Spanish!

P.S. Thanks for all of your sweet comments and support. Looks like I'm safe for now!


  1. Yay, great news!!

  2. I taught for a while after college and had a hard time finding full time work in Southern Cali. Now about 10 years later it seems they are still having the same battles. I am a stay at home mom now with a blog and Etsy shop but have to deal with State issues still since my husband works as an investigator for the department of corrections. Sorry for your troubles too but glad you still are employed. Buenos Dias! Yo hablo espanol muy malo, como sey dice "good luck" in espanol, um... bueno suerte?

  3. Congratulations! I am new to your blog but am so glad to hear that you didn't lose your job!
