Monday, January 24, 2011

Special Occassion?

Remember rule #2 from way back at the beginning of the challenge?

Special Occassions Don't Count.

Well, what is defined as a special occassion?

A wedding? Sure.

The NFC championship game when your team is playing? Questionable.

Saturday night, before the big game, I was facing this exact question. I was out to dinner with Aimee and the rest of the fam and wondering if it would be ok to wear my Bears shirt the next day. There were opinions ranging from: Yes, it's on the same level as a wedding, to, No, you're not even a huge fan. I really just wanted the chance to wear something different, so I was hoping for the wedding opinion to win out!

We decided it would be ok to wear it (after all, we are pretty much making up our own rules), but when I put it on, I discovered that the shirt was really short. I have either grown a few inches in the past 5 years (not likely) or apparently I liked short shirts 5 years ago! I wore it for the game, but there will be no Super Bowl for us, so it's in the Goodwill pile now.

It did make me think, though. There are times when I wear things just because everyone else is wearing them and I don't want to be left out (come to think of it, that describes more than just my clothing - 1/2 marathon, anyone?) Did I really need a Bears shirt 5 years ago (obviously I haven't worn it lately)? Or did I just want it to fit in? Does it really matter if I wear [insert color] to support [insert cause]? Do we wear things because we really like them, or because we think it's what we should wear? I don't really have any answers, so what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Just for the record, I did NOT veer from my 6 items for this occasion!

    (But mostly because I don't own a Bears shirt)
