Saturday, January 8, 2011

Playing Picture Catch Up

It has been exactly one week today (well, technically yesterday) - 7 days with only 6 items.  I've been trying to make each outfit look different, but I've been wondering, "Has anybody noticed I've been wearing the same clothes all week?"  I mean, there are only a handful of people who see me everyday plus all my junior high students, but I'm counting on the fact that they probably don't pay that close attention to the outfits of their teachers.  But you never know.  Anyway, those who I do see everyday, with the exception of my husband, don't know about my "Six item" commitment.  Instead of telling them, I'm doing my best to hide it.  Here's how it looked this week:

Day 1 - Saturday

 Day 2 - Sunday

Day 3 - Monday

Day 4 - Tuesday

Day 5 - Wednesday

Day 6 - Thursday

Day 7 - Friday

So, what do you think? Did anybody notice?


  1. Wow, I'm very impressed. I think you have varied it very well.

  2. Wow, your pictures are a lot cuter than mine! AND you did a great job making all of your outfits look different - I will try harder next week :)

  3. Haha! Thanks Jess. I can't wait to see your pics Al!

  4. Wow this is amazing! I really can't tell!

  5. Aimee, your outfits from the week are so cute!
