Thursday, January 13, 2011

Accomplishing My Goal

Remember my 2 goals for the week? (read about them here if you forgot) Take more creative pictures and wear more creative outfits?

As far as the pictures go, I took some in different places this week AND I discovered the "picnic" editing option in Picasa. I think it's made a huge difference in the creativity of my pictures! (BUT, I'm still kind of playing with it, so sorry if you can't read the text on the pictures.) 

As far as the outfits go, I have worn things this week in ways that I have never worn before in my life! See: day 8 - skinny belt over the sweater; the real day 10 - belted scarf; and day 11 - cardigan sweater tucked into a skirt. 

A few people have asked if anyone has noticed/commented on how I am wearing the same things over and over again. It's interesting because I feel like people should notice and comment on the fact that I wore the same black skirt to work three times this week (and two days in a row), but instead (and maybe people are just being nice) I am getting lots of comments on the accessories. Even the 1st graders, who notice everything about me, don't seem to mind the same-ness. Instead it's, "Oh, I love your nail polish", and "Your scarf is so pretty", and, this from a 6 year old boy, "I like your earrings. Where did you get them?" (um...little do not need to worry about where to get earrings.)

I don't know if I'm convinced yet that 6 items is the way to live, but it hasn't been as awkward and boring (yet) as I thought it might be.

Now, see if you think I've accomplished my goals for this week...  

P.S. If you are feeling inspired by the leg warmers to go see "Black Swan", please don't (it might be the most disturbing movie I have ever seen). Just buy some leg warmers and get "Center Stage" from the Redbox!  


  1. I think you did pretty good Al! Do we have matching belts (you will have to compare your Day 8 with my Day 12(?) to see if they match)? I am trying to get ideas from your outfits for mine! :) Oh - and one more thing,.... are those your slippers on day 11?

  2. yes, it's the same belt. i also got the red one like your turqoise one. and yes, they are my slippers - i was just wearing them at soup night and around the house! when are we trading acccessories?
